As it guesses, the computer calls out its guesses until it gets it right. To begin, click and drag the mouse to draw the shape, and as you do the computer will try to guess what you are drawing. After that, you will be challenged to draw something (for example, a hamburger) in under 20 seconds. To play this game, simply visit and click on ‘Let’s Draw’. This drawing game is actually an artificial experiment in which the AI bot uses machine learning to guess what you are drawing.

Top of our list of fun drawing games online is ‘Quick, Draw’ from Google. Best Fun Drawing Games Online Quick, Draw! from Google Or if you simply want a fun activity you can play with your friends online, these online drawing games are super fun. If you’re a teacher, these drawing games are great to play with your students while teaching online via Zoom, Google Meet, video chat, etc. In this post, we talk about our favorite fun drawing games online.

Often these games are ‘guess the drawing games’ where you, your friend, or even an AI computer will guess the drawing. Many of the drawing games online are free, interactive, and can be played by multiple people at once.

Playing drawing games online can be an incredibly fun way to interact and have fun with friends, students, and teachers online.